TEXA's Diagnostic Solution for the MARINE environment consists of the IP65 RUGGED TABLET, a quick and powerful display unit, and NAVIGATOR TXB EVOLUTIONor Navigator TXTs, very robust interfaces that are perfect for communicated with vessels and amrine engines.
The two tools connect via Bluetooth and communicate with the vehicle's electronic control units, guaranteeing levels of speed and performance that are unrivaled in the world of muli-brand diagnostics.
TEXA also means excellent eause of use and versatility: the vehicle interfaces NAVIGATOR TXB Evolutions and Navigator TXTs are also compatible with Personal Computerswith a Windows Operating System.
The IDC5 MARINE software is complete, practical, intuitive,extremely quick to access and communicate with marine vehicles, and rapid in all diagnostic phases, from the error identification to its solution. IDC5 MARINE is designed to lead mechanics practically and safely, thanks to nominal values associated with the error, technical datasheets, and interactive wiring diagrams that contain ten years of experience and thousands of successfully solved problems.